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Gyrotonic classes are designed to take the body beyond it’s current limitations. People come out of a Gyrotonic class with increased freedom of movement, greater strength, balance and more agility. Whether you are athletes, dancers, swimmers, and you do all the other kind of physical work, Gyrotonic will improve your performance. If you are under rehabilitation, Gyrotonic will help you understand the most functional and efficient way of using the body, heal quicker and recover more fully from post injury.

You will be finding the new pattern and sensation of your body you never experienced before.

~Your journey in GYROTONIC® session~

In GYROTONIC® session, you will be using "the Pulley Tower" machine, which will guide your entire body into the movement beyond its' limitation. Typically, you will first begin with the "Spinal Motion", which includes Arch & Curl, Side Arch, Spiral Twist, and the undulation(the waves) of the spine. By practicing just "Spinal Motion", you will be finding the new stimulation and sensation through the entire body.


After awakening your spine, you will normally move on to another big part of the session, which is called the "Hamstring Series", which addresses the lower portion of the body. You will be lying down on the bench with the weight pulley around your feet, and that will allow you to move your legs without jamming your hip sockets which typically the issues for people who overuse that area without knowing the correct alignment of the legs. With the "Hamstring Series", you will experience the release of your knees, hips, ankle joint, as well as gaining flexibility and strength. Learning the correct alignment of the legs through Gyrotonic exercise will also let you find the connection of the entire body.

GYROTONIC® session also includes Upper Body Strengthening, Abdominal Series, Upper Body Opening, Abdominal series, Seated Leg Work series and Unwinding, which can be done on the pulley tower, or specialized equipments depending on your needs and goals. 

All GYROTONIC® movement is designed to use "Non-stop circulating motion(the fluidity)". Moving with the breath and rhythm allows you to release the tightness, stimulate and strength the nerve system to reprogram your entire body. It has elements of many different aspect of exercise forms, such as Yoga, Pilates, Swimming, Dance, Tai-chi, Martial Arts, Golf and more which create its unique pattern and movement quality..

You will be given the "Hands on" while you are in session, which will help and guide you to the most efficient way of moving the body. All sessions are designed individually and I am responsible for you to pursuit your personal goal.

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