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GYROKINESIS® classes can be adapted to fit anyone's ability. People from all walks of life including accomplished athletes, fitness enthusiasts, senior citizens, and people recovering from an injury or dealing with a disability, take GYROKINESIS® classes.

By the end of a GYROKINESIS® session, one's entire system is awakened and brought into greater balance. Focus on the breath and stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system resulting in a sense of calm, wellbeing and mental clarity. 

〜 Your Journey In GYROKINESIS® Sessions 〜

GYROKINESIS® session can be taught in a private or group session. Understanding of GYROKINESIS® method will also help understand GYROTONIC® method(machine work)and I encourage people to practice both GYROTONIC® and GYROKINESIS®


In GYROKINESIS® session, you will start in seated position on stool, with "awakening of the senses". You will give yourself "hands on", using the heat of your hands to massage your face, head and through entire body. You will feel the inner energy that is awaken, and ready to move on to the actual sequence. 


Then, the sequence on the stool will start with gentle "Spiral Motion", which includes Arch & Curl, Sideways Arch, Spiral Twist, and Undulation(waves) of the spine with arm variation, and different breathing patterns. Those movements can be addressed your entire body without exceeding your comfort zone. Moving your body with specific breathing pattern which you practice in GYROKINESIS®  session will help you increase range of motion and built strength.


The second half of the session will be taken on the floor. You will keep going with the "flow(non-stopping" of the movement, which will teach you the most practical way of using your body and to be able to find the connection through entire body. The floor sequence is very unique format of exercises that will be opening energy pathways, stimulating the nerve system, increasing range of motion and creating functional strength through rhythmic, flowing movement.

Like your body talks to you differently everyday, practicing GYROKINESIS® will provide you a new way of being able to measure yourself. Body feels like being an instrument so you play your own body. Finding possibility and the most qualified movement for your own body through GYROKINESIS® method will be your long life journey and I would be greatly happy to help assist you. 

You will be given the "hands on" while you are in session so that you can find the most efficient way of addressing the movement. GYROKINESIS® can be practiced at your place, and only stool and mat required.

If you would like to practice GYROKINESIS® method, please contact me here.

I am also available to offer  GYROKINESIS® class at your place, so please visit next page for more details.

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